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клієнт n
gen. client; customer (покупець тж.)
bus.styl. prospect
comp., MS client (A computer or program that connects to or requests the services of another computer or program); customer (A person or company to whom your company sells products or services); tenant (A client organization that is served from a single instance of an application by a Web service. A company can install one instance of software on a set of servers and offer Software as a Service to multiple tenants)
fin. account; offtaker (покупець продукції); user; subscriber; auditee (для аудиторів)
fin., insur. risk
inf. brief
IT consumer; front-end; frontend
law case (адвоката); customer
клієнти n
gen. clientage
econ., fr. clientele
DHCP-клієнт n
comp., MS DHCP client (Any network-enabled device that supports the ability to communicate with a DHCP server for the purpose of obtaining dynamic leased IP configuration and related optional parameters information)
клієнт QEC n
comp., MS QEC (A component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) Client Architecture defined for a specific type of network access (for example DHCP configuration or VPN connections) and matched to a specific type of NAP server)
клієнт Windows Media n
comp., MS Windows Media client (The ActiveX control called Windows Media Player that receives and renders content from Windows Media server components. The client can be on either the same computer as the server, or another computer)
клієнт Hyper-V n
comp., MS Client Hyper-V (The Hyper-V technology that runs on the Windows Client operating system, rather than Windows Server)
DNS-клієнт n
comp., MS DNS client (A client computer that queries DNS servers in an attempt to resolve DNS domain names. DNS clients maintain a temporary cache of resolved DNS domain names)
VPN-клієнт n
comp., MS VPN client (A computer that initiates a VPN connection to a VPN server. A VPN client can be an individual computer that obtains a remote access VPN connection or a router that obtains a router-to-router VPN connection)
 Ukrainian thesaurus
клієнт n
busin. окрема особа, організація або установа, яка купує послуги професіонала в особі адвоката, бухгалтера accountant, маклера broker, фінансового консультанта тощо, є замовником послуг рекламного advertising чи іншого маркетингового агентства (agency)
: 254 phrases in 21 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Business style12
Data processing1
Human resources1
Human rights activism2
Records management1