
   Ukrainian English
Google | Forvo | +
comp., MS Search
gen. catch out; chance on; chance upon; descry; find; hit
comp., MS find
вихід | із
gen. among
| глухого кута
 глухий кут
fig. crux
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
знайти n
comp., MS find (To locate or come upon through action)
dipl. hit
Знайти n
comp., MS Search (The UI element that initiates the process of seeking a particular file or specific data. A search is carried out by a program through comparison or calculation to determine whether a match to some pattern exists or whether some other criteria have been met)
знайти v
gen. catch out; chance on; chance upon; descry; find (випадково); hit (щось); hit on (щось); hit upon (щось); meet with; ostend; receive; seek out; strike (щось)
amer. scare up (дичину)
IT detect; determine (розв'язок); disclose; discover; find; find out; retrieve (знову); uncover
law search out
знову знайти v
O&G retrieve
знайти вихід із глухого кута
: 92 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Human rights activism1
Information technology3