
   Ukrainian English
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gen. accomplish; achieve; actualize; carry into effect; compass; do
| поворот
math. rotation
| від
gen. against
взаємної | недовіри
gen. mistrust
| до
gen. against
| покращення відносин
 покращення відносин
dipl. rectification of relations
- only individual words found

to phrases
здійснювати v
gen. accomplish (Brücke); achieve (Brücke); actualize; carry into effect; compass; do; drive through; effect; effectuate; embody (ідею); execute; exercise; fulfil; implement; incarnate (ідею тощо); make; materialize; perform; perpetrate (злочин, помилку тощо); put in practice; put into practice; practise; realise (задум тощо); realize; stage; translate; wage; get under way; bring about; bring to effect; put to carry into practice
avia. comply(with)
dipl. bring effect; carry effect; do (did, done); embody; put to effect; put into effect
econ. carry; enforce; exercise restraint; prosecute (що-небудь); realize; transact (угоди)
IT bring; bring into action; commit; derive; practice; to put into practice; unassemble
law carry out; distribute (правосуддя тощо); exercise (право, правосуддя); effect (дію); exercise authority; exert (юрисдикцію); launch (напад тощо); enjoy (право тощо)
lit. compass (намір)
mil. exercise (правосуддя); fulfill; perform (дію)
здійснювати поворот від
: 1 phrase in 1 subject