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gen. arrest; backing; back-set; balk; baulk; block
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затримка n
gen. arrest; backing; back-set; balk; baulk; block; check; checking; delay; delaying; hitch; hold-back; hold-up (руху); impediment; intermittence; interruption; lay-over (в дорозі); objection; retardation; retardment; set-back (розвитку тощо); stay; stick; stop; stoppage; stopping; stumble; tarriance; tarry; throw-back; tie-up (руху тощо); holdback (перешкода); holdup; setback
avia. delay (напр. рейсу); lag
comp., MS latency (The time required for a signal to travel from one point on a network to another); delay (The amount of time between the scheduled start of a task and the time when work should actually begin on the task; it is often used to resolve resource overallocations. There are two types of delay: assignment delay and leveling delay); slippage (The amount of time that a task has been delayed from its original baseline plan. The slippage is the difference between the scheduled start or finish date for a task and the baseline start or finish date)
dipl. hold-back (про переговори тощо)
econ. detention; lien
IT jam; latency; pause; pending
law holdback
med. retention (сечі)
mil. detention (виплати тощо); drag (руху); jam (вуличного руху); stoppage (під час стрільби); standstill; hang-fire; hangfire; time delay
nautic. detention (судна)
O&G balking; drag; hang; hold-up
physiol. inhibition
poetic set
sport. guarding (гравця)
затримка в
: 20 phrases in 9 subjects
Information technology6
Oil and gas2