
   Ukrainian English
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gen. chart; delineation; diagram; figure; graph; pattern
amer. plot
comp., MS chart
| розподілу
environ. allocation
| параметра
math. measure of location
| по діаметру
 по діаметру
gen. diameter
напівпровідникової | пластини
tech. apron
- only individual words found

to phrases
діаграма n
gen. chart; delineation; diagram; figure (у книзі); graph; pattern; plan; scheme; still
amer. plot
avia. envelope
comp., MS chart (A graphic or diagram that displays data or the relationships between sets of data in pictorial rather than numeric form)
IT column graph; figure; pictogram; pictorial diagram; record (самописця)
microel. map; sheet
O&G graphical chart
rec.mngmt curve
діаграма PERT n
comp., MS PERT chart (A project optimization tool that enables scheduling and tracking of tasks, goal setting, and timelines); Program Evaluation and Review Technique chart (A project optimization tool that enables scheduling and tracking of tasks, goal setting, and timelines)
діаграма розподілу параметра по діаметру: 1 phrase in 1 subject