
   Ukrainian English
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gen. authorization; charge; commission; delegation; entrustment; errand
comp., MS mandate; task request
банкові | власника рахунку
 власник рахунку
econ. account holder
| регулярно
gen. even
| знімати
surg. ablate
| певну суму
 певна сума
econ. certain sum
- only individual words found

to phrases
доручення n
gen. authorization; charge; commission; delegation (депутатові); entrustment; errand (дрібне); message; procuration; proxy; vicarial powers; mission (дипломатичне); order (наказ, розпорядження); warrant (довіреність)
comp., MS mandate (A source document that documents an agreement between a payee and a payer based on an understanding that the payee is authorized to collect fixed or variable direct debit payment amounts from the payer's bank account); task request (A request sent in an e-mail message asking the recipient to complete a task. If the recipient accepts the task, it is added to the recipient's task list, and the recipient becomes the new owner of the task)
dipl. imposition (звич, неприємне)
econ. assignment; letter of attorney; order; power; power of attorney; trust
fin. contract of agency; instructions; designation of authority; letter of authority; letter of trust; warranty of authority; authority
law mission (Вещий); empowerment; mandate; procuracy; procuratory; trust deed; warrant (розпорядження тж); credential letters; credentials; delegation; letter of attorney (документ); warrant of attorney; errand; instruction; request
mil. warrant
доручення: 244 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Business style8
Human rights activism4
Humorous / Jocular1