
   Ukrainian English
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comp., MS Content
gen. contents; furniture; lining
avia. inside
ecol. content
econ. content; percentage
mining. tenor
| лише
gen. as soon as
| для
 Microsoft Power Query для Excel
comp., MS Microsoft Power Query for Excel
| дорослих
gen. full-blown
- only individual words found

to phrases
вміст n
gen. contents; furniture; lining (гаманця тощо)
avia. inside
ecol. content (чогось у чомусь)
econ. content; percentage (у відсотках)
mining. tenor (руди)
O&G content (речовини)
Вміст n
comp., MS Content (An option on the Views menu in Windows Explorer that shows the most appropriate details for the file type in a flexible layout rather than only showing the details associated with the column headers in the view)
вміст лише для
: 1 phrase in 1 subject