
   Ukrainian English
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gen. exclude; exempt; expurgate; extract; recall; subduct
comp., MS evict
econ. retire
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вилучати v
gen. exclude; exempt; expurgate (непристойні слова); extract; recall; subduct; withdraw; confiscate (майно); expropriate; expunge (частину тексту з книги); immobilize (монету з обігу); remove
comp., MS evict (To place a windows Live ID in a forced rename state, while the Windows Live ID and all of its existing settings, including the password, Xbox Live points, or Zune points are preserved. The user can sign in using the Windows Live ID and its password, but they're immediately asked to rename the Windows Live ID. They must specify an e-mail address that's outside the Outlook Live domain)
econ. retire (з обігу)
h.rghts.act. confiscate; seize; impound; exempt (з юрисдикції); disregard
IT cure; deinstall; del; dike; drop; eliminate; erase; uninstall; unlink; trim (неправильні чи небажані частини)
law take away; except; delete; drop (з документа); impound (за рішенням суду); redeem (з обігу); strike down (з тексту документа тощо); strike off; immune; preclude
mil. extract (кулю тощо); withdraw (монету з обігу)
O&G exhume; expel; isolate; take; vent (повітря)
out вилучати v
IT rule
вилучати із: 3 phrases in 3 subjects