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comp., MS Sign Out; Exit
gen. go out; step down; work out; виходити в люди <-> to make fortune; alight
archit. open on
comp., MS log off
fig. emerge
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gen. among
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to phrases
вийти v
gen. go out; step down; work out; виходити в люди <-> to make one's fortune; alight; appear; attain; be; be by origin; be published; be spent; be up; be used up; come; come forth; come off; come out; depart; face; front; get down; get out; give on; go; go to walk; to stroll all over a place; leave; look (on, towards); proceed (from); reach; run out; tramp about (around); turn out; walk a certain time (or distance); walk out
archit. open on
comp. quit
fig. emerge
IT emanate; issue; result (з)
law come out (про газету тощо); go out (з приміщення); move away; recess (оголосити перерву, робити перерву в роботі); secede (з союзу федерації тощо, from); withdraw (з організації тощо, from)
progr. be issued
Вийти v
comp., MS Sign Out A UI element that ends a user session or exits a service (To end a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign out of a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype); Exit (An item on the right-click menu for the Communicator icon that appears in the Windows taskbar that signs the user out of Communicator and closes all open Communicator windows and dialog boxes)
вийти з системи v
comp., MS log off (To terminate a session with a computer accessed through a communications line usually a computer that is both distant and open to many users)
вийти із
: 16 phrases in 7 subjects