
   Ukrainian English
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gen. fetch; get; mine; quarry; take; tap
comp., MS extract; rip
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gen. among
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gen. fetch; get; mine (про мінерали, вугілля тж.); quarry (камінь з кар'єру); take; tap; extract (з надр)
comp., MS extract (To decompress, or pull out, files from a compressed form. When you extract a file, an uncompressed copy of the file is placed in the folder you specify. The original file remains in the compressed folder. Compressed files frequently have a .zip file name extension); rip (To copy digital media content from an audio CD. Content may be converted to a different format during the ripping process)
IT elicit
mil. quarry (камінь із кар'єру)
mining. extract; raise; recover; win (вугілля, руду)
O&G mine; produce
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: 1 phrase in 1 subject