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noun | adjective | to phrases
божевільний m
gen. addle-brained; addle-headed; addle-pated; crack-brained; crack-headed; off one's head; shatter-brained; out of one's mind; sl. loony
inf. crack-skull
lat. non compos (mentis)
law non-comp.
obs. mad-brained; mad-headed
божевільний adj.
gen. crazy (detective); bedlam; bedlamite; brainsick; crazed; daft; delirious; demented (нерозсудливий); deranged; distraught; enraged; frantic; frenzied; insane; loco; lunatic; mad (психічно хворий); madman; maniac; moonstruck; nutty; possessed; rabid; ravening; unsane; of unsound mind; wild; crazy (надмірний, дуже великий); distracted
amer. cuckoo
amer., inf. bugs; moonhead; nuts
inf. batchy; batty; beany; bughouse; crackpot; dippy; kooky; loony; loopy; psycho; scatty; scranny; wood
law furious; mad
scottish gyte
божевільний як ім. adj.
gen. madman (ж.р. - madwoman)
божевільні adj.
gen. queers
: 29 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling4