
   Ukrainian English
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gen. balance-wheel
busin. balance
comp., MS Balance
fin. balance-sheet; balance sheet; statement of assets and liabilities; returns to bank
forestr. paper wood; pulpwood
| руху
comp., MS gesture
- only individual words found

to phrases
баланс n
gen. balance-wheel (годинника); equilibrium (рівновага)
account. statement of financial position
avia. counterpoise
busin. balance
comp., MS Balance (A SmartArt graphic layout used to compare or show the relationship between two ideas. Each of the first two lines of Level 1 text corresponds to text at the top of one side of the center point. Emphasizes Level 2 text, which is limited to four shapes on each side of the center point. The balance tips towards the side with the most shapes containing Level 2 text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
econ. balance sheet
fin. balance-sheet; balance sheet; statement of assets and liabilities; returns to bank (банковский баланс); balance (балансовий звіт)
fin., amer. financial statement
forestr. paper wood; pulpwood
law statement (A м.)
rec.mngmt, amer. statement
баланси n
gen. pulp-wood; pulpwood
баланс руху
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Business style1