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adjective | adverb | to phrases
байдужий adj.
gen. adiaphorous; apathetic; apathetical; barren; chill; cold; cold-blooded; cold-hearted; cold-livered; cool; cool as a cucumber; dead; disinterested; dispassionate; dry; effortless; frigid; glacial; half-hearted; hard-boiled; impassible; impassive; imperturbable; incurious; indifferent; insensible (to); insensitive; insentient; lackadaisical; Laodicean (у питаннях релігії, політики); listless; lukewarm; neutral; nonchalant; passionless; stolid; supine; unadmiring; unaffected; unconcerned; unemotional; uninterested; unmoved; unpassionate; untouched; vacant (про погляд тощо); as cool as a cucumber; regardless; unempathetic (naloii)
fr. insouciant
ital. poco-curante
law indifferent (to/towards)
mil. remote (про людину)
O&G neutral (про рівновагу)
proverb as cool as a cucumber; as cool as glass
байдуже adv.
gen. all the same; aloof; apathetically; blankly; cold-bloodedly; coolly; dispassionately; frigidly; in a half-hearted way; half-heartedly; indifferently; lightly; listlessly; no matter; stolidly; strangely; supinely; vacantly; insensibly (to); it does not matter (безл.); nonchalantly; that is all the same; with indifference
байдуже! adv.
gen. never mind!
: 61 phrases in 6 subjects
Information technology7
Oil and gas1