
   Ukrainian English
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gen. Elohim; Father
gen. the Creator; the Deity; divinity; the Eternal; god; godhead
дасть | долю
fig. allotment
| і
gen. and
| в
gen. at
чистім полі
- only individual words found

to phrases
бог n
gen. the Creator; the Deity; divinity; the Eternal; god; godhead; godhood; Heaven; Heavens; the Supreme; the Supreme Being
greek.lang., myth. Olympian
inf. od (god)
jap. kami
poetic the Eterne
Бог n
gen. Elohim (староєврейське); Father
боже! n
gen. bless me!; bless my soul!; gracious; Jesus Christ!
Бог n
relig. the Almighty; the Most High
боги n
gen. Heaven; Heavens
coll. pantheon
F. Бог n
dipl. father
Бог дасть долю і в: 4 phrases in 1 subject