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 English thesaurus
som abbr.
abbr. somatology
SOM abbr.
abbr. Cushitic: East : Somali: SOMALI; Finnish Options Market; School Of Medicine; Secondary Operation Machine; Secret Organized Mafia; Senior Official's Meeting; Share Of Market; Somáli; Support Original Music; Cushitic: East: Somali: SOMALI; SACLANT staff organization manual; See Our Message; Self-Organizing Machine; Sexy Old Man; Standing Group on the Oil Market; Stockholm Option Market; Structured Object Method
abbr., automat. shop order management
abbr., avia. San Tome, Venezuela; Specialty Operations Manual; ship operations manager; space organization method
abbr., cartogr. Space Oblique Mercator (проекция "искаженных площадей" Меркатора; projection Cartograph)
abbr., ed., scient. Science Of Mind
abbr., el. start of message; security on message; self-organizing model; self-oscillating mode; simulation option model; spin-on material; stand-off missile; sulphuric ozone mixture
abbr., el., scient. System On Module
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Sons Of The Moon; Subject Object Metaphysics
abbr., file.ext. Start of Message; Sort information (Paradox)
abbr., forestr. space oblique mercator
abbr., IT Quattro Pro Network serial numbers; Sort information; System Object Model
abbr., med. Society Of Occupational Medicine; Superior Oblique Muscle; Sustained Outward Movement (heart)
abbr., media. Society Opinion Media
abbr., mil. Software Operators Manual; satellite communications SATCOM operational manager; system operational manager
abbr., nano scanning optical microscopy
abbr., neur.net. self-organizing map (самоорганизующаяся карта Кохонена (нейронная сеть с обучением без учителя, выполняющая задачу визуализации и кластеризации. Идея сети предложена финским учёным Т. Кохоненом). Ying)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Statutory Operations Manual
abbr., oil sedimentary organic matter; soluble organic matter
abbr., org.name. Senior Officers Meeting
abbr., progr. service-oriented modeling (ssn)
abbr., railw. Somerset Railroad Corporation
abbr., relig. Society Of Masks
abbr., scottish Search-on-the-Move; Senior Officials' Meeting (ASEAN); Standard Operations Manual
abbr., soil. soil organic matter
abbr., tech. Skidmore Owings and Merrill architects
abbr., tradem. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP
abbr., transp. Self Organizing Map
abbr., water.res. service-oriented management
mil. scheme of manoeuvre; Soldier of the Month; standard operating manual; standoff missile
tech. scanning optical microscope; self-orientation mechanism; shift operations manager; soundman; start of message character
Som. abbr.
abbr. Somersetshire (Anglophile)
abbr., earth.sc. Somaliland; Somerset (shire)
geogr. Somália (Vosoni)
SOM abbr.
abbr. start-of-message
abbr., avia. seats occupied message; software operator manual
abbr., busin. some
abbr., earth.sc. self-organizing feature map
abbr., fin. Finish Options Market
abbr., oil sandy oomicrite; scattered organic material; self-organizing mapping; solid organic matter; Somália; sonic oscilloscope module; structureless organic matter; successive overrelaxation method
abbr., space simulation object model; spacecraft operations manual; stand off missile; standard on-line module
abbr., sport., physiol. somatomedin
abbr., telecom. self-organizing map
SOM abbr.
abbr., clim. Slab Ocean Model (aselibrary.ru dimock)