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noun | adjective | to phrases
Schwaden m m -s, =
agric. andainage m; javelage m; javelle f; andain m; foin en andains; mise en andains
coal. fumee de tir
environ. fumée f
Schwad m m -(e)s, -e
agric. javelle f; andain m
schwaden m
agric. andainer
Schwade m
agric. javelle f
schwaden m
agric. mettre en andains
Schwade m
agric. andain m
Schwaden adj.
chem. buée; vapeurs
forestr. envelopper
met. dégagement de gaz
nucl.phys., ecol. panaches
: 15 phrases in 3 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation8
Nuclear physics1