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noun | verb | verb | to phrases
verstecken n
chem. to conceal
Versteck n n -(e)s, -e
gen. concealment; hide; stowaway (insbesondere für blinde Passagiere)
verstecken v
gen. cache; ensconce; hide (from); stash; hide (sich verstecken); hide away; conceal; to hide
econ. plant
tech. disguise
Versteck v
gen. hiding place; place of concealment; cranny; hideaway; hiding-place; stash; hide-out
construct. concealed space
inf. hidy-hole
tech. cache; hideout
versteckend v
gen. caching; ensconcing; stashing; hiding
Verstecken v
gen. encryption; occuring; hide and seek
Verstecke v
gen. hideout
verstecken: 22 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Foreign trade4