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noun | noun | verb | to phrases
Unterdruck m -(e)s, ..drücke
commun., industr. background printing
life.sc. subatmospheric
transp. suction
transp., mech.eng. pressure drop
unterdrücken n
chem. to attenuate
commun. reject (frequencies); restrict (services)
econ. hold down
IT, el. inhibit
IT, transp. to disable
med. to suppress; to quench; restrain; restrict
phys. suppress
tech. control
Unterdrück n
chem. negative pressure
construct. depression; vacuum; vacuum-gauge pressure
emerg.care underpressure
Unterdruck n -(e)s, ..drücke
meas.inst. underpressure
Unterdrücken n
IT blanking
unterdrücken v
gen. blanket; eliminate; oppress; quash; repress; suppress; stifle (Gefühl); smother; smother up; subdue; force back; hold in; hold under; quell
comp., MS inhibit (To prevent an occurrence. For example, to inhibit interrupts from an external device means to prevent the external device from sending any interrupts)
econ. pocket
opt. discriminate against; reject
tech. blanking; cushion; discriminate; squelch
unterdrückt v
gen. disabled; downtrodden; oppresses; quashes; represses; suppressed; suppresses; inhibited; oppressed; quashed; repressed; stifled; subdued
unterdrückend v
gen. oppressing; quashing; repressing; suppressing; suppressive; suppressively; stifling; subduing
busin. oppressive
unterdrücken Gefühl v
gen. stifle
unterdrücken Proteste v
fig. crush
unterdrücken Aufstand v
gen. quell (riot)
unterdrückt verhalten v
gen. restrained
unterdrücken: 33 phrases in 10 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Information technology3
Optics branch of physics1