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noun | verb | to phrases
modellieren n
construct. to mould
med. to model
Modellieren n
agric. shaping
amer. modeling
chem. hand-shaping
commun. simulation
econ. model making
modellieren v
gen. model; mold (mit Ton etc.); mould (mit Ton etc.); sculpture
econ. form
Modellieren v
environ. modelling; modelling An investigative technique using a mathematical or physical representation of a system or theory that accounts for all or some its known properties. Models are often used to test the effect of changes of system components on the overall performance of the system
modelliert v
gen. modeled; modelled; sculptured
modellieren mit Ton usw. v
amer. mold
brit. mould
modellieren: 14 phrases in 10 subjects
Artificial intelligence2
Health care1
Information technology2
Materials science1
Natural sciences1