
   German English
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gen. flashing
busin. twinkle
gen. gleam
comp., MS blink
earth.sc. el. flash
tech. blinking; signal
gen. flashing; blinking
transp. flashing
| Anzeige
gen. advertisement

verb | adjective | to phrases
blinken v
comp., MS blink (To flash on and off. Cursors, insertion points, menu choices, warning messages, and other displays on a computer screen that are intended to catch the eye are often made to blink. The rate of blinking in a graphical user interface can sometimes be controlled by the user)
earth.sc., el. to flash
mech.eng. to blink
microel. blink
tech. blinking; signal
Blinken v
gen. flashing
busin. twinkle
geblinkt v
gen. blinked
blinken funkeln v
gen. gleam
blinkend adj.
gen. flashing; blinking
blinkendFLG adj.
transp. flashing
blinkende Anzeige
: 18 phrases in 6 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Information technology1
Rail transport1