
Google | Forvo | +
gen. automatic; automatical; automatically; automaticly; machinable; machine-aided
busin. self-controlled
tech. auto
| Fahr
gen. driving...
| und
gen. and
| Bremsregelung
transp. brake adjustment
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
automatisch m
opt. self-adjusting
automatisch adj.
gen. automatic; automatical; automatically; automaticly; machinable; machine-aided; self-acting; automated
busin. self-controlled
comp. automatic (maschinell); automatical (maschinell)
construct. mechanized
econ. self-regulating
law automatically (ipso jure); by rights (ipso jure); ipso jure (ipso jure)
tech. auto
automatische adj.
gen. automated; automatic flight aids
automatische Fahr-und
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology1