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noun | verb | to phrases
Anklage f f =, -n
gen. accusal; accusation; accusativeness; charge; denouncement; impeachment; indictment; counsel for the prosecution
busin. denunciation
econ. bill; information; prosecution
law accusation written charge; charge accusation; indictment; indictment formal charging with a crime; information formal charge; People prosecution; prosecution the state's representative in a court room, seeks to convict the defendant; presentment
strafrechtliche Anklage f
gen. criminal charge
Anklage wegen f
gen. criminal prosecution (for)
jmd. anklagen f
econ. bring an accusation against (smb.)
anklagen v
gen. accuse (of); impeach; implicate; indict; accuse
econ. incriminate
law arraign to formally advise defendant of the charges at an initial court appearance; press charges against (smb); charge; impute; prosecute
Anklagen v
gen. accusations; denouncements; impeachments; indictments
Ankläger v
law Prosecutor
anklagen: 46 phrases in 6 subjects
Criminal law8