
   German English
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gen. central; central office; head office
econ. exchange; head office
polygr. general office
telecom. public exchange; switching center; exchange office
| Markt
gen. bargained
| und
gen. and
Preisberichtstelle | für
law, ADR in favor of
| Erzeugnisse
gen. manufacture
| der
gen. that
| Land
gen. alighted
| Forst
law, ADR woodland
| und
gen. and
| Ernährungswirtschaft
agric. food economy
| G
med. guanine
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
Zentrale f f =, -n
gen. central; central office; head office (einer Firma etc.); home office (einer Firma)
brit. centre
busin. main office
commun. switch; switchboard (A)
el.tract. gear centre distance
IMF. principal office of the Fund
insur. general office (Verwaltung, Firma)
law, ADR principal office; umbrella bank
phys. center line
tech. central station; central unit; control centre; control room; headquarters; master station; supervisory control centre; telephone exchange
zentrale f
gen. center; centrally; pivotally
Telefon-Zentrale f
gen. telephone switchboard
Zentrale adj.
econ. exchange; head office
polygr. general office
telecom. public exchange; switching center; exchange office
zentral adj.
gen. central; pivotal; center; centrally; centrically; pivotally; centrical; key
commun. centralized
emerg.care central
phys. centric
zentralste adj.
gen. most central
Zentral- adj.
gen. central
zentrales adj.
gen. centrically
zentraler adj.
gen. more central
zentralere adj.
gen. more central
Zentrale Markt - und Preisberichtstelle für Erzeugnisse der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft G
: 1 phrase in 1 subject