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Wendepunkte m
gen. turning points
anal.chem. inflection points (of a peak, des Peak); peak (des Peak); elution band (des Peak)
econ. turning dates (z.B. im Konjunkturzyklus)
Wendepunkt m m -(e)s, -e
gen. reversal point; watershed; landmark
chem. point of inflexion
earth.sc. point of contraflexure
econ. conjuncture; epoch
fig. milestone
gymn. corner point; pivot
life.sc. inflexion point
math. inflection point; point of inflection
med. turning-point
opt. turning point (surveying); inflection point (of a curve); cusp; apsis
paraglid. turning point indicator
phys. flex point; point of contrary flexure; point of inflexion (of the curve)
tech. turning point
textile inversion point
transp. turn-round
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
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