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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
Trennen n
opt. decontacting
trennen n
busin., IT disconnect (einer Leitungsverbindung)
chem. fractionate; separate (lösen/entkuppeln/ auskuppeln)
trennen v
gen. decollate; disassociate; disconnect; disjoin; disrupt; dissociate; disunite; part; segregate; separate; sever; slit; sunder; unlink
comp., MS disconnect (To break a connection); divide (To combine two or more shapes or paths to result in a single compound path where overlapping areas are split apart. If you release the compound path, the individual shapes are put into their own path objects)
construct. grade (nach Korngröße); release (Formteil aus Form entnehmen); separate (mech, chem); partition; resaw (Holz)
econ. disunite (from von)
microel. burst (ein Endlosformular längs der Perforation); decouple
opt. eliminate; sort out
tech. break; burst; cut; cut off; detach; disconnecting; disconnection; disengage; disengagement; distinguish; divide; extract; interrupt; isolation; mark out; open; refine; select; separating; separation; split
trennt v
gen. disassociates; disconnects; disjoins; dissociates; disunites; secedes; segregates; separates; severs; sunders; isolates
trennte v
gen. disconnected; dissociated; disunited; segregated; sundered; isolated
преф. Trenn- v
nucl.phys. classification; separating
Trenn- v
agric. dividing
econ. divisional
Trenner v
el. disconnecting switch
IT, mech.eng. decollator
trennen von v
gen. secede (from)
Trennen adj.
agric. sifting; screening
commun. breakdown; clearing; disconnection
construct. cutting
IT separation; accidental disconnecting
nucl.phys. classify; winnow
stat., IT disconnect
transp. separate; unplug; cut off; cut through
trennen adj.
gen. abduce; secede
busin., IT seperate
chem. to separate
comp. disjoint; isolate
comp., MS drop (To remove an association or connection); detach (To remove uninstalled application files from a destination computer); unlink (To separate linked inboxes); unpin (To remove an item, such as a tile, library, movie, game, or app, from a given area of the UI, to make it inaccessible in that area (e.g. to make a library non-visible in the navigation pane))
cultur. remove by stripping; strip apart; strip off; tear off
econ. cut off (Telefongespräch); split off
ed. divorce
el. to isolate; to slice
met. to cut
mining. brattice; brattish; british; cleave; grade; size (nach der Korngröße)
sampl. buddle
social.sc., transp. detach from
transp. release
weap. sift
sich trennen adj.
geol. part
: 99 phrases in 25 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
British usage, not spelling1
Earth sciences1
Foreign trade2
Information technology4
Life sciences1
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences1
Optics branch of physics9
Textile industry1