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to phrases
Schwindel m m -s
gen. bogus; boodle; confidence game; diddle; dizziness (Gleichgewichtsstörung); fake; fakes; giddiness; goldbrick; hoax; imposture; jugglery; quackery; scam; shenanigan; spoof; swindle; vertigo; con; shenanigans; goop; hokum; mare's nest; skulduggery; skullduggery; fraud in mortgage dealings; fear of heights; fraud
agric. graft
busin. humbug
econ. bubble; sharp business; imposition; sell
emerg.care dizziness; vertigo
inf. hanky-panky; rip-off; cheating
law, ADR cheat; sham
math. swindle (varianzreduzierende Methode)
med. apoplectic vertigo (tenebric vertigo); scotodinia (tenebric vertigo)
slang do
Schwindel- m
econ. wildcat
law, ADR bogus
Schwindel" m
stat. swindle (varianzreduzierende Methode)
Schwindel Lügen m
gen. flimflam
Schwindel: 15 phrases in 4 subjects
Health care1