
   German English
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gen. guide line; precept
comp., MS policy
econ. guideline
law directive; rule of conduct
nautic. leading line
2003 87 | EG
tech. abbr. Essigsäure
| des
gen. of the
| Europäischen Parlaments
 Europäisches Parlament
polit. EP
| und
gen. and
| des
gen. of the
| Rates
gen. councils
| vom
gen. from
13 | Oktober
gen. October
2003 | über
gen. about
| ein
gen. one
| System
gen. system
- only individual words found

to phrases
Richtlinie f f =, -n
gen. guide line; precept
busin. guiding principle; principle; rule
chem. guideline; rules of conduct
commun. recommendation (FTZ, DIN)
comp., MS policy (A versioned collection of business rules); policy (A versioned collection of business rules)
construct. recommendations
econ. guideline (unverbindliche Leitlinie); directive (EU); directive EU (EU); guidance; guiding rule; standard; guide; guiding line
fig. rule of thumb
forestr. guidelines
law directive; rule of conduct; EU Directive; EU Directives; instructions; directions; regulations; rules; policy; standards
law, ADR Directive (must be incorporated into national law by the Member States)
med. guide-line; canon
nautic. leading line
tech. doctrine; general direction; instruction; orientation; precaution; direction
telecom. order
Richtlinien f
busin. guidelines; instructions; principles
comp., MS policy (As set of rules defined by the administrator. For example, the policy may require all users to change their passwords)
IT conventions
social.sc., transp. directives
Richtlinie 2003/87/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 13. Oktober 2003 über ein System: 3 phrases in 1 subject