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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
PA m
comp., MS SV (The difference between the budgeted cost of work performed [BCWP] and the budgeted cost of work scheduled [BCWS]. This is calculated as follows: SV = Budgeted Cost of Work Performed - Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled)
PA abbr.
AI. Programmer's Apprentice ("Programmierlehrling", ein Lehrsystem)
comp., MS PV (The difference between the cost price and the actual production price. The production variance is determined when the production order is calculated)
pA abbr.
microel. picoampere (10⁻¹² Ampere)
 German thesaurus
PA abbr.
abbr. Personalausweis (olliwo)
abbr., energ.ind. Atmosphärendruck
abbr., plast. Polyamid
anat. arteria pulmonalis (Лорина); Pulmonary artery (Лорина)
patents. Patentamt
polym. Polyamidfaser; Polyamidfaserstoff
Pe m
gen. Peru
abbr., energ.ind. Enddruck
PA abbr.
abbr. Parlamentarischer Ausschuss; Patentabteilung; Patentanmeldung; Patentanwalt; Personalakte; Personalabteilung; Personenaufzug; Postamt; Postanschrift; Postanweisung; Prüfungsausschuss
abbr., astr. pulsierender Bogen
abbr., commun. Prüfabschluß
abbr., el.chem. polyamid ...
Pa abbr.
gen. Protactinium
abbr., energ.ind. Anfangsdruck
abbr., phys. Pascal
astr. Protaktinium
auto. Pendelachse
engin., abbr. Verdichtungs-Anfangsdruck
pa abbr.
abbr., energ.ind. Druck auf druckseitigem Flüssigkeitsspiegel
abbr., lat. pro anno
busin. prima
econ. porteur amenage
polym. pillingarm
pA abbr.
abbr. Privatadresse (Лорина)
abbr., meas.inst. Pikoampere
pa. abbr.
abbr. prima
abbr., el.chem. Polyätylen
Pa. abbr.
mil. Papierfabrik
PA: 8 phrases in 2 subjects
Materials science2
Nuclear physics6