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Flussdiagramm n
gen. flow chart; flow diagramme; flowchart; flow sheet
comp. block diagram; block scheme; organization chart; box plot
comp., MS flowchart (A graphic map that can document procedures, analyze processes, indicate work or information flow, or track cost and efficiency)
econ., lab.law. flow diagram; flow process diagram; process chart; route diagram; travel chart
el. control flow diagram
meas.inst. schematic diagram
Flußdiagramm n
busin. flow process chart; process chart
commun. flow chart (program sequence)
construct. graph of flow
econ. flow sheet
IT flowsheet
meas.inst. flow diagram (chart, pattern)
opt. skeleton flow chart
tech. flow chart; flow diagram; flowchart; system flowchart; technological layout
радиоакт. flow chart (CAMAC)
Flussdiagramm: 12 phrases in 6 subjects
Information technology3