
   German English
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gen. direct access; random access; direct-access
comp., MS direct access; Quick Path
| in
gen. go-go; into; on; to; in
| Englisch
gen. English
| und Steuerung
tech. and-circuit
| ein
gen. one
| Frage-Antwort-System
gen. question-answering system

to phrases
Direktzugriff m
gen. direct access; random access; direct-access
comp., MS direct access (A way of accessing properties and methods supplied by WMI in a script as if they were automation properties and methods of an object instance); Quick Path (A control that provides the essential user interface needed for a task, making the interaction straightforward. This feature shows only the most most relevant and most often used information options in a simple format)
IT, dat.proc. immediate access
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Information technology2