
   German English
Google | Forvo | +
gen. condition; requirement; stipulation; term; terms; clause
tech. composition; environment
| für
law, ADR in favor of
| die
tech. those
| Zulassung
transp. licence to operate
| von
gen. by
Verkehrsunternehmern | zum
gen. at
| Verkehr
gen. consorting
| innerhalb
gen. inside
| eines
gen. an
| Mitgliedstaats
law member state
| i
 I- -
chem. papaverine
- only individual words found

to phrases
Bedingung [bəˈdɪŋʊŋ] f f =, -en
gen. condition; requirement; stipulation; term; terms; clause
busin. qualification
commun. constraint (math.)
comp., MS condition (The state of an expression or a variable (for example, when a result can be either true or false, or equal or not equal))
law contingency; stipulation an essential condition of an agreement; proviso (vertragsmäßige)
nucl.phys. condition (circumstance)
phys. prerequisite; presumption; presupposition
tech. composition; environment; specification
Bedingungen f
gen. conditions; environmental; term
agric. terms (of contract)
busin., IT terms of...
comp., MS conditions (A set of specified constraints and parameters that are part of the rights group bundled into a rights label. These are enforced at the time of consumption)
law, interntl.trade. terms and arrangements; terms and conditions
pharma. obligations
tech. terms
Bedingungen für die Zulassung von Verkehrsunternehmern zum Verkehr innerhalb eines Mitgliedstaats: 2 phrases in 2 subjects