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noun | verb | to phrases
Aufrauhen n
gen. roughening
construct. hacking (Stein); scoring (Putz)
polygr. scuffing
aufrauhen n
agric. to loosen
mater.sc., mech.eng. rough up
med. to refresh; to roughen
Aufrauhen Putzflächen n
tech. keying
Aufrauhen v
gen. grinding; keying (Putzflächen)
textile roughing
aufrauhen v
gen. roughen (alt); roughen
agric. to ruffle up; to scratch up
construct. hack (Stein); incise (Stein); kernel; key; rough; score (Putz); stab
industr., construct. buff
Aufrauh- v
agric. teasel; combing
aufrauhend v
gen. roughing (alt)
Aufrauhen: 5 phrases in 3 subjects