
   German English
Google | Forvo | +
gen. study group; workgroup; task force; team, study group; workstream; team
busin. work group; working group
law, ADR gang
tech. task group
VII | Dienstgebäude
gen. public office building
| des
gen. of the
| Europäischen Patentamts
 Europäisches Patentamt
gen. European Patent Office
| Europäische Schule
 Europäische Schule
econ. European school
| und
gen. and
| Wohnungen
econ. domiciliary
| U
gen. und
- only individual words found

to phrases
Arbeitsgruppe f =, -n
gen. study group (school); workgroup; task force; working team, study group school; workstream; working team; subgroup; workshop
busin. work group; working group; working party
busin., IT team; work team; work unit
commun. working party (CCITT)
comp., MS work cell (A resource group that participates in a production flow activity); workgroup (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files); Workgroup (A privacy relationship setting that allows a large amount of information to be viewed, usually assigned to people on your team)
econ. brigade; gang; study group; outfit; working team
ed. research group
law, ADR gang (Gruppe); crew
railw. working parties
tech. task group
Arbeitsgruppen f
gen. working groups
Arbeitsgruppe VII "Dienstgebäude des Europäischen Patentamts , Europäische Schule und Wohnungen: 1 phrase in 1 subject