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noun | noun | verb | to phrases
Anschlägen m
construct. hanging-up; suspension; slinging; anchoring by wire ropes
econ. billing
econ., BrE posting (von Plakaten)
Anschlag m m -(e)s, ..schläge
gen. fence (an Werkzeugen); impact; notice; post; stroke (Schreibmaschine); touch (Tastatur, Klavier, Schwimmen); end stop; shaft station; assassination; estimate
busin. placard; plot
chem. stop (Endpunkt/Sperre/Stop); limit
coal. pit-bottom
commun. poster
industr., construct. beat-up; stroke of the slay
mater.sc. end stop mec.and elec.; limit switch elec.
meas.inst. limit stop
mech.eng. adjustable stop; pressure pad; outer control lever; position stop
phys. stop (e.g. of the pointer)
tech. character; contact shoulder; keystroke; strike; fixing; limit stop; load attachment point
Anschlag für Fenster oder Tür m
gen. rabbet (for window or door)
Anschlag m m
transp. limit stop of positioning motor
Anschlag auf m
gen. attack (on)
Anschläge m
gen. stops
anschlagen n
chem. chipping
coal. to tighten
construct. make a connection to (z.B. eines Schachtes)
econ. placard
el. crimp (Andrey Truhachev)
grass.hock. strike at
IT, tech. to joggle
mining. cadge (Seil); hitch (Wagen an das Seil); lash (on); marry
transp. to sling
transp., mech.eng. to stop on
transp., nautic. to rig
weap. point; take aim
Anschlagen n
commun. bill-posting; bill-sticking; push-fitting (cable)
industr., construct. beating-up
law, ADR posting (von Plakaten)
med. to attach
polygr. strike-on
weap. pointing
an das schwarze Brett anschlagen n
econ. put up on the board
Anschlag v
gen. detent; boss
agric. stop-piece; stopping device
build.struct. rabbet ledge; door lintel
chem. catch
CNC ram
coal. inset; landing
commun. bill
comp. coup; stroke
construct. rabbet, rebate, stop, door stop; rebate; arrester; limiter; abut; stop (z.B. einer Tür); flanning; laid-on stop; retainer
econ. advertisement
life.sc. buffer
meas.inst. mechanical stop
mech.eng. dog; release lever thrust bearing
mil. firing position (Waffe)
mining. bench (Förderung); brow; ingate; ingate-plot; mouthing; pit eye; shaft inset; solar; sollar; soller; station; stop; underground station
mun.plan., construct. rabbet
opt. banking pad; locating pad
patents. affiche
shoot. levelling
stratigr. stage
swim. entry in the water
textile thrust block
weap. limiting lug; position; stud
anschlagen v
gen. bump; hit; put up; chip; bend; fasten
econ. bill; stick
law, ADR post
met. rollover
tech. attach
transp., mech.eng. to come into abutment
transp., nautic. to bend a rope
Anschlagen v
commun. billposting; placarding
med. fix
Anschläger v
coal. cager; onsetter
lab.law., coal. banksman
anschlagend v
gen. striking; hitting
anschlagen Behandlung, Medikament v
gen. to be effective
anschlagen Musikinstrument v
gen. strike
 German thesaurus
anschlagen v
dog. kläffen (Andrey Truhachev)
: 138 phrases in 25 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution3
Earth sciences2
Foreign trade4
Information technology3
Mechanic engineering21
Medical appliances1
Optics branch of physics3
Security systems2
Weapons and gunsmithing6