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to phrases
Abteilungsleiter m m -s, =
gen. floorwalker; floorwalkers; head of the department; heads of the department; heads of department; Head of Division; departmental head; supervisor
busin. department chief; department head; department manager; department superintendent; floor manager; head; head of department; officers of the company
busin., Germ. Director-General (Ministerium oder obere Behörde)
commer., lab.law. sales supervisor
dialys. chief of unit
econ. departmental manager; divisional head; production foreman (in der Produktion); division manager
econ., BrE departmental chief (einer Behörde); head of ... unit (Polizei)
foreig.aff. head of directorate
law head of a department
law, ADR chief of a department; shop walker (in e-m Warenhaus); superintendent
transp. divisional manager
aufsichtsführender Abteilungsleiter m
econ., BrE shopwalker (in einem Warenhaus)
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Foreign trade1