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 межд. прав. Abkommen
econ. agreement
gen. agreement; deal
construct. engagement
econ. bargain; combination
weap. sight
gen. deviate; swing off; swing off
| zwischen
gen. 'tween
| der
gen. that
| Europäischen Union
 Europäische Union
gen. European Union
| und
gen. and
| der
gen. that
| Nordatlantikvertrags-Organisation
gen. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
| über
gen. about
| den
gen. that one
- only individual words found

noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
Abkomme m m -n, -n
gen. descendant; descendent
Abkommen n n -s, =
gen. agreement; deal; descendants; reciprocal agreement; treaty; contract; covenant; descendents; compact; arrangement
amer. accord
econ. agreement (EU); agreement EU (EU)
ed. arbitration; settlement; resolution
law convention; agreement mutual promises
patents. convention (Konvention)
Abkommen adj.
construct. engagement
econ. bargain; combination
weap. sight
abkommen adj.
gen. deviate; swing off (von der Straße, Piste etc.)
weap. aim
межд. прав. Abkommen adj.
econ. agreement
abkommen von der Straße, Piste, etc. adj.
gen. swing off
Abkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und der Nordatlantikvertrags-Organisation über den: 2 phrases in 1 subject