
Google | Forvo | +
gen. report on
interntl.trade. debriefing
law account of
law, ADR return; review; statement
gen. report on; account for
law make a report
law, ADR return
| der
gen. that
| deutschen
gen. German
| keramischen
gen. ceramic
| Gesellschaft
law, ADR amer. corporate
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
Bericht m m -(e)s, -e
gen. account; bulletin; narrative; report; despatch; dispatch; annals; panel report
busin. memorandum
law report a formal account of facts or information
med. information
Berichte m
gen. reports; transactions; bulletins
comp., MS Feedback (A UI element that provides access to a site or process for submitting feedback on the product or service being used); Reports (A folder in the workspace browser where available report views are listed)
Bericht Druckschrift m
tech. bulletin
Bericht v
gen. report on
agric. resume; summary; summarization; abstract
econ. notice
interntl.trade. debriefing
law account of (...)
law, ADR return; review; statement
berichten v
gen. report on; account for; refer; relate; report; tell; tell about
busin. account
econ. give an account (of über); state
law to make a report; report to state, to inform
law, ADR return
Berichte v
law proceedings
berichtend v
gen. chronicling; referring; relating; reporting; telling
amtlicher Bericht v
econ. return
berichtete v
gen. chronicled
schriftlicher Bericht v
econ. record
Berichte der: 83 phrases in 18 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution3
European Union1
Foreign trade3
International Monetary Fund3
Labor law1
Social science3
United Nations3
Work flow1