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サービス gai1 ichi1 | gai1 ichi1 sābisu
gen. help n vs adj-no; assistance n vs adj-no; care n vs adj-no; concern n vs adj-no; discount; freebie; free gift
sport. serve; servicing; product maintenance
サービス sābisu
gen. Service (unclass)
comp., MS service (A program, routine, or process that performs a specific system function to support other programs)
construct. service
LOB サービス
comp., MS LOB service (A service that exposes access to LOB data sources)
Antigen サービス
comp., MS Antigen Service (The configuration and monitoring agent on the server to which the Antigen Administrator connects)
Windows サービス
comp., MS Windows service (A service designed for consumers that runs on Windows or in a web browser)
ACS サービス ID
comp., MS ACS service identity (A credential that is registered with an ACS namespace and intended for use by autonomous applications or clients)
BLOB サービス
comp., MS Blob service (The data management service in Windows Azure Storage for storing large amounts of unstructured data that can be accessed from anywhere via HTTP or HTTPS)
Connect サービス
comp., MS Connect service (The networking service in Windows Azure that enables secure, IP-level network connectivity between a customer's on-premises IT resources and their cloud service deployments)
Exchange Web サービス
comp., MS Exchange Web Services (A set of features that provides a programming interface for accessing Microsoft Exchange data through the Client Access server role by using Web services)
Monitoring Web サービス
comp., MS Monitoring Web Service (A collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide the core functionality of PerformancePoint Monitoring Server, connecting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to the Monitoring Server database, Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint, and data sources)
Live サービス
comp., MS Live Services (A portfolio of Microsoft products, specifically adCenter, Office Live, Windows Live)
System Center Management APM サービス
comp., MS System Center Management APM service (A service that processes events collected from the monitored systems)
サービス TP
comp., MS service TP (A transaction program (TP) that uses APPC to perform services related to SNA functionality)
XML Web サービス
comp., MS XML Web service (A unit of application logic providing data and services to other applications that can invoke Web protocols)
Web サービス
comp., MS Web service (A unit of application logic providing data and services to other applications that can invoke Web protocols)
Active Directory Rights Management サービス
comp., MS Active Directory Rights Management Services (A Microsoft technology designed to help enterprise customers control and protect critical digital information by offering easy-to-use, flexible, and persistent policy expression and enforcement)
PerformancePoint Monitoring Server Web サービス
comp., MS PerformancePoint Monitoring Server Web Service (A collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide the core functionality of PerformancePoint Monitoring Server, connecting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to the Monitoring Server database, Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint, and data sources)
PerformancePoint Planning サービス
comp., MS PerformancePoint Planning service (The Windows service that manages and processes the work item queue in Performance Planning Server. PerformancePoint Planning Server work items can include job and cube processing, data writebacks, and audit and trace logging)
PowerPivot サービス
comp., MS PowerPivot service (A middle tier service of the Analysis Services SharePoint integration feature that allocates requests, monitors server availability and health, and communicates with other services in the farm)
Protected Environment Authorization サービス
comp., MS Protected Environment Authorization service (A utility whose primary goal it is to maintain the security of protected content processing binaries and letting those binaries know the security of the kernel (whether it is safe to run protected content). It determines the kernel to be at a particular security level that the Protected Environment secure process can interpret)
WCF サービス
comp., MS WCF service (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
Web サービス
comp., MS Web services (Protocols that enable computers to work together by exchanging messages. Web services are based on the standard protocols of XML, SOAP and WSDL, which allow them to interoperate across platforms and programming languages, including the ability to manage federated identities and security)
RBL サービス
comp., MS RBL service (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
ReportServer サービス
comp., MS ReportServer service (The local report service that manages, executes, renders, schedules, and delivers DPM reports)
Virtual Machine Manager サービス
comp., MS Virtual Machine Manager service (The software component that runs Virtual Machine Manager)
ID サービス
comp., MS identity service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes Windows Azure Active Directory)
Messenger サービス
comp., MS Messenger service (A service that sends and receives messages sent by administrators or by the Alerter service)
AGPM サービス
comp., MS AGPM Service (A Windows service that enables Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) clients to manage deployed and archived Group Policy objects (GPOs) and enforces delegation in AGPM)
Business Scorecard Manager Server Web サービス
comp., MS Business Scorecard Manager Server Web service (An application programming interface (API) that provides the core functionality of Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager)
DPM サービス
comp., MS DPM service (The core component of DPM. The DPM service manages all core DPM operations, including replica creation, synchronization, and shadow copy creation)
Information Rights Management サービス
comp., MS Information Rights Management Services (An information protection technology that works with RMS-enabled applications to help safeguard digital information from unauthorized use)
WWW サービス
comp., MS WWW service (The service that manages the IIS core components that process HTTP requests and configure and manage Web applications. Formerly known as W3SVC)
SQL Server サービス
comp., MS SQL Server service (The SQL Server service that manages the DPM database)
SNA サービス TP
comp., MS SNA service TP (A transaction program (TP) that uses APPC to perform services related to SNA functionality)
Microsoft サービス
comp., MS Microsoft services (The category of services that includes SkyDrive, Outlook.com, and Skype)
UPS サービス
comp., MS UPS service (A service that manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to a computer)
Exchange サービス
comp., MS Exchange services (Exchange-specific services that run on a server that has Microsoft Exchange Server installed)
Multi-Factor Authentication サービス
comp., MS Multi-Factor Authentication Service (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
PerformancePoint Planning Server Web サービス
comp., MS PerformancePoint Planning Server Web Service (The Web service that is used by Planning Business Modeler and PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel to interact with Planning Server. The Web service supports user authentication, authorization, and the storage and retrieval of information that resides in Planning Server)
Planning Web サービス
comp., MS Planning Web Service (The Web service that is used by Planning Business Modeler and PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel to interact with Planning Server. The Web service supports user authentication, authorization, and the storage and retrieval of information that resides in Planning Server)
PowerPivot Web サービス
comp., MS PowerPivot Web service (A Web service that performs request redirection for processing requests that are directed to a PowerPivot Engine service instance that is outside the farm)
User Services サービス
comp., MS User Services service (A Lync Server service that is used to help maintain presence information for users and to manage meetings and conferences)
Windows Web サービス API
comp., MS Windows Web Services API (A native-code implementation of SOAP that provides a foundation for building Web services for internal Microsoft customers such as components of Windows and parts of Office)