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Microsoft Office Backstage ビュー
comp., MS Microsoft Office Backstage view (A full-page UI view that exposes file-level functionality in Office applications. This is a companion feature to the Office Ribbon and helps users discover and use the features that fall outside of the authoring features on the Ribbon)
comp., MS view (In relational database management systems, a logical table created through the specification of one or more relational operations on one or more tables. A view is equivalent to a divided relation in the relational model)
Backstage ビュー
comp., MS Backstage view (A full-page UI view that exposes file-level functionality in Office applications. This is a companion feature to the Office Ribbon and helps users discover and use the features that fall outside of the authoring features on the Ribbon)
SQL ビュー
comp., MS SQL view (A window that displays the SQL statement for the current query or that is used to create an SQL-specific query (union, pass-through, or data definition). When you create a query in Design view, Access constructs the SQL equivalent in SQL view)