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評価 ichi1 news1 nf02 | ichi1 news1 nf02 hyōka
gen. valuation n; estimation n; value; assess; rate; estimate value; appreciate; value highly; acknowledge the value (of something)
評価 hyōka
gen. appraisal Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
comp., MS assessment (Collection of binaries, scripts, configuration parameters, and manifest files used to perform measurements on a computer or Windows image and to report results); evaluation (The determination, by a program, of the value of an expression or the action that a program statement specifies. Evaluation can take place at compile time or at run time); rating (An evaluation of the relationship between a business and an account or a business contact (for example, good, great, average). Part of the account financial information)
construct. evaluation; evaluate