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gen. origin; source; base; basis; foundation; root
gen. body

gen. Hajimu (unclass); Motoe (unclass); Motoji (unclass)
chem. group n; free radical; counter for installed or mounted objects ctr (e.g. stone lanterns, gravestones, satellites)
given. Osamu; Gi; Hajime; Minki; Mingi; Moto; Motoki; Motoshi
given., surn. Ki
hist.fig., given., surn. Kuiji (632-682)
phys. radical
surn. Motoi
usu. 元 ki
gen. origin n; source n; base; basis; foundation; root; cause; ingredient; material; somebody's side; somebody's location; original cost (or capital, principal, etc.); tree trunk; first section of a waka; counter for blades of grass, tree trunks, etc., and for falcons ctr (in falconry); handle n (chopsticks, brush, etc.); grip n
gen. SH group Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)