
   Japanese English
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gen. article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise; inventory, inventories
comp., MS commodity; good
| サービス
 RBL サービス
comp., MS RBL service
gen. Service

商品 ichi1 news1 nf01 | ichi1 news1 nf01 しょうひん
gen. article of commerce n; goods n; stock n; merchandise n
商品 しょうひん
gen. inventory, inventories Glossary of Financial Terms (Kevin Seaver)
comp., MS commodity (Interchangeable products with no physical differentiation that are supplied by multiple vendors); good (A tangible item for sale or use, often produced for later consumption)
商品 ID
comp., MS product identifier (A required property that uniquely identifies products within a catalog, such as a stock-keeping unit (SKU). A product identifier cannot be removed from the product definition)