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gen. substitution n; material; price; margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.); area required for something; charge n n-suf; cost n n-suf; reign
abbr. proxy application company; pronoun n
geol. era; after someone's name or title a representative of; on behalf of; for (someone); used after a phone number to indicate that it is a switchboard number; counter for decades of ages, eras, etc. ctr; counter for generations (of inheritors to a throne, etc.)
given. Kawaru
obs. shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan ~19.83 m.sq.)
surn. Sakishiro; Shiro; Takadai; Dai; Daisaki
ichi1 | ichi1
gen. world n; society n; age n; generation n
代々 news1 nf07 | news1 nf07
gen. for generations n-adv n-t; hereditary n-adv n-t; generation after generation n-adv n-t
10代 spec1 | spec1
gen. the teens n adj-no (10-19); teenage n adj-no; the tenth generation n
surn. Yoyo
given. Shimeyo