
   Dutch English
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gen. transportation; Information and dissemination; transport...
commer. polit. immigr. delivery; dispatching; routing; shipment
construct. conveyance
environ. transportation
stat. transp. transport
| in
gen. within
| gesloten
mech.eng. el. totally-enclosed
- only individual words found

to phrases
vervoer v
gen. transportation; Information and dissemination; transport...
commer., polit., immigr. delivery; dispatching; routing; shipment
construct. conveyance; cartage
environ. transportation The act or means of moving tangible objects (persons or goods) from place to place. Often involves the use of some type of vehicle
stat., transp. transport
vervoeren v
transp. to route
vervoer in gesloten rondritten
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes2