
   Dutch English
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gen. time-consuming
environ. time; time
life.sc. age
comp., MS timephased
| tussen
life.sc. interbedded; intercalated; interstratified
| het
commun. N
versturen van | een
commun. N
| teken
construct. to draw
| tot
fish.farm. yawling
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
| terugkomst
social.sc. lab.law. re-employment
van | de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
| echo
econ. ECHO
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
tijd m
gen. time-consuming
environ. time; time 1. The dimension of the physical universe which, at a given place, orders the sequence of events. 2. A designated instant in this sequence, as the time of day. Also known as epoch
tijd geologische m
life.sc. age geological
tijdschieten v
coal. delay detonator shotfiring; delayed blasting
tijdgebonden v
comp., MS timephased (Pertaining to a task, resource, or assignment information that is distributed over time)
tijd tussen het versturen van een: 2 phrases in 1 subject