
   Dutch English
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gen. Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal services
commun. telecommunication; telecommunications
econ. telecommunications
el. teletransmission
environ. telecommunications
| communicatie
gen. signal
econ. corporate communication
environ. communications
telefoondiensten | verzending
commun. IT transmittal
| per
environ. pressing
| fax
econ. facsimile
| telex
econ. telex
inzamelen | en
agric. el. inoculation
| verzenden
arts. send
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
telecommunicatie f
commun. telecommunication
econ. telecommunications
el. teletransmission
environ. telecommunications The conveyance of images, speech and other sounds, usually over great distances, through technological means, particularly by television, telegraph, telephone or radio
telecommunicatieverkeer f
commun. telecommunications
Telecommunicatie f
gen. Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal services
telecommunicatieschakelen v
IT telecommunications switching
telecommunicatie, communicatie
: 5 phrases in 1 subject