
   Dutch English
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gen. drawing
commun. el. paint
environ. plan; drawing
industr. construct. figure; figuring
patents. design
gen. graphic prints
| met
hydraul. measure
| het
commun. N
definitieve | beloop
construct. talus
van | de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
- only individual words found

to phrases
tekening f
gen. drawing (A picture produced through the art of representing by line)
commun., el. paint
construct. drawing; sketch; diagram
ed. a note added to a diploma or certificate which indicates that the person has supplemented the basic qualification by acquiring extra skills
environ. plan; drawing To cause to discharge from an abscess or wound or to obtain a sample of tissue or organic liquid for examination
industr., construct. figure; figuring
patents. design
tekeningen f
gen. graphic prints
patents. drawings; drawings graphic (grafisch)
tekening met het definitieve beloop van de: 1 phrase in 1 subject