
   Dutch English
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gen. proof; proof; proof
construct. experiment
econ. testing
med. docimasia
IT dat.proc. pull a proof
agric. food.ind. mouthwash
agric. tech. tasting; mouthwash
| inzake
patents. on account of
| genmutatie
environ. gene mutation
| bij
nat.sc. agric. bees
| bacteriën
nat.sc. schizomycophyta
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
proef f
met. inspection test
proef- f
law on approval
proef v
gen. proof (A trial impression of a printed image)
construct. experiment
econ. testing
med. docimasia; manipulation
stat. trial
tech., mater.sc. test
proeven v
agric., food.ind. mouthwash
agric., tech. tasting; to mouthwash
med. gustation
drukproef v
gen. proof
proeftrekken v
IT, dat.proc. to pull a proof
proef inzake genmutatie bij
: 1 phrase in 1 subject