
   Dutch English
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arts. research
econ. stat. enquiry
hydraul. analysis
law screening exercise; screening process
mater.sc. examination
math. sample survey; sampling survey
med. observation
tech. mater.sc. test
| m
environ. EIA
b | t
commun. N
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
onderzoek n
arts. research
econ., stat. enquiry
hydraul. analysis
law screening exercise; screening process
mater.sc. examination
math. sample survey; sampling survey
med. observation
tech., mater.sc. test
transp. reconnaissance
onderzoek v
gen. review
arts. inquiry
busin., labor.org., account. verification
econ., stat. interview
environ. research Scientific investigation aimed at discovering and applying new facts, techniques and natural laws
mater.sc. inspection
math. survey
med. docimasia
onderzoeken v
gen. to appraise
automat. sense
onderzoek naar de stand van de uitvoering van de indicatieve programma's alsook naar de daarin aan te brengen wijzigingen v
gen. examine progress in implementing the indicative programmes and any amendments to be made thereto
onderzoek m.b. t
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Earth sciences3