
   Dutch English
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gen. grading
arts. classification
comp., MS arrangement; layout
cultur. commun. layout
fin. subdivision
insur. classification
IT el. lay out
stat. breakdown; distribution
| verpakking
econ. preparation for market
| en
agric. el. inoculation
| kenmerken
math. characterisation
van gevaarlijke preparaten
- only individual words found

to phrases
indeling f
gen. grading
arts. classification
comp., MS arrangement (A custom-created layout of photos in an album); layout (The organization (the arrangement, size, and position) of the visual elements in your application, with respect to each other and the overall application window)
construct. disposition of a building (van een gebouw)
cultur., commun. layout
fin. subdivision
IT, el. lay out
stat. breakdown; distribution
transp. subdivision of vessel
indeling van een land f
insur. classification of a country
indeling, verpakking en kenmerken van gevaarlijke
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects